React Drag And Drop App Builder

Save weeks of development time with pre-made React templates, integrations, and components.

Every React application is unique, but they all share the same foundational set of building blocks. From UI elements such as lists, search boxes, forms, and buttons to the backend components such as API endpoints and database access.

RemixFast provides a comprehensive set of features and tools for developers to utilize when constructing their applications. RemixFast is a powerful platform for crafting custom applications, allowing developers to quickly and easily create applications with modern, interactive interfaces.

Easily connect to your database and get right to building

Start by modeling data - a process that is essential to the success of any project. You can either connect directly to your existing database and use reverse engineering to create the model, or you can start from scratch and build your model from the ground up. Either way, you can easily customize fields, as well as set up relationships between models, to get the most out of your data.

Data to UI
Drag, Drop and build your React App

Drag, Drop and build your React App

Once you have the foundational data model in place, you can use RemixFast's powerful templating functionality to quickly and easily start structuring the rest of the application. All you have to do is select a template, connect it to a model, and the RemixFast platform will automatically generate complete UI, backend API and database query and code structures to integrate everything. This makes it much easier and faster to construct the application, and you can be sure that all the components will be properly integrated and configured.

Build faster with Pre-built React Tailwind Components

Explore our library of components to quickly build a UI for your app with out-of-the-box components like tables, buttons, text inputs, and much more. Read, write, and update your database in minutes instead of hours.

React Components
Multi Page App

Instantly Run the App

Once you have built the UI, you no longer need to go through the laborious task of building and deploying. Instead, you can instantly preview the app, allowing you to rapidly iterate on the design and visually build the app. This can help you save a considerable amount of time and effort, as you can quickly test the full stack application functionality and make any necessary changes right away.

Download Codebase

Once you have completed building the application, you can easily export and download the codebase so that you can quickly jumpstart development. This will save you time and effort, as you can get started on the project right away without having to build from the ground up. Additionally, the codebase will provide a solid foundation for your project, allowing you to make changes and updates with ease.

Download Code

RemixFast provides the building blocks for any business application

Whether you're building a basic CRUD interface or inventory management software, business application have the same building blocks: tables, text boxes, dropdowns, etc. RemixFast gives you a simple way to connect these building blocks with your own database so you can assemble any custom application, fast.

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